
Your credit score and report. For free, forever.

Check your Credit Score with ClearScore

ClearScore is one of the leading British FinTech companies operating worldwide. Its goal is to change the way people manage their finances and even how they think about them.

To achieve that, ClearScore informs its users about their credit score, explains to them, which factors influence their score in throughout the time and helps them, how to care about their score, so that they are able to get the best offers from the bank and other financial institutions, which directly offers them right in the app.

Our work in ClearScore

The first version of ClearScore app as a web container was created right in Nextap and in a record time - within a single weekend. As the client was more than satisfied with the result and he liked our approach, he chose us also for the development of fully native iOS and Android apps.

After completing the first set goals we helped the client to build its own internal team of developers in Great Britain, which continues in its mission. However, to this day we supplement it with external Nextap developers and designers to work on specific tasks.

iOS / Android

Our mobile developers which worked on the project since its beginnings took a peak at every corner of the app. They helped ClearScore with transition to modular codebase and backend for frontend architecture, took a part in redesigning multiple parts of the app including landing pages, worked on editing of key components and regularly contributed to implementation of new features and services.

Not only they coded the app themselves, Nextap developers also held leading roles in ClearScore. Apart from managing an extended team they also helped with defining the whole product strategy and choosing the correct technologies.

Web & Frontend

We no longer operate directly at the client's offices in London but individual Nextap team members work at the project remotely. Our frontend developers took part in launching multiple new features, helped with testing the application, making it more accessible and scalable, migrating code to Typescript or monitoring the website. For the whole time they were also handy for their junior/medior teammates, leading tech stand-ups and assisting with product releases for new clients.

Expansion to Canada

We have also played a crucial role at ClearScore’s expansion to Canada, in which we took a part in development of an Android app for the new market and its following adjustments. In the aftermath, expansion to Canada has become the most successful new country entering to date.


The appearance of the app has changed a lot over the years. But even the first version of ClearScore app for Android was created by our designers back in 2017. Later they worked on designing new components, migrating them from Sketch to Figma and preparing a whole new design system. Apart from that they also served as an UI quality reviewers and were responsible for making the app as convenient for users as possible.

Thanks to the both-sided satisfaction with the partnership, the client invited our designers for work at their other product DriveScore, which helps drivers to obtain the best insurance.

So, what’s next?

We continue to cooperate with the client and we are still in close contact with him. We are providing for him by passing on our experiences or know-how and we help him in growing and building a strong position in the global market.

Not only thanks to the work of our designers and developers, ClearScore is now one of the UK's most successful fin-tech companies. We're delighted to have been involved in such a project from the start, and we're excited to see what great things we can achieve together in future.

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